9º Congreso Mundial de Información en Salud y Bibliotecas

Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de septiembre de 2005


4a. Reunión de Coordinación Regional de la BVS

19 y 20 de septiembre de 2005

P14 - The history of public health in Latin America and The Caribbean: Bienal HISA – 2000/2001

Presentation of the electronic publication BIENAL HISA, extracted from the  Bibliographical Database on the History of Public Health in Latin America and the Caribbean – HISA , consisting of works produced in the 2000/2001 period and included in the Database.
The on-line product presents analytical texts, tables and graphics that approach the following aspects: authors, institutional affiliation, subject areas, type of literature (article, book, book chapter, dissertation, thesis), geographical scope and country of publication.
 Methodological procedures have included a survey of the documents produced in the 2000/2001 period and recorded in the HISA Database, the transfer of data to a separate database – the Bienal Database - that is also available for search at the electronic publication, and the construction of tables and graphics. As to authorship, the incidence and institutional affiliation of authors have been indicated. Concerning typology of documents,  papers produced by country ac cording to type of literature , dissertations and theses by institutional origin, and articles by periodical title according to country, have been pointed out.  In relation to subject areas,   the incidence of topics, the documents on institutions and the documents on diseases, by geographical scope, as well as the documents on biographies and professional courses by gender, have been approached. Texts have been elaborated by analyzing the resulting bibliometrical data.
The initiative provides a wider visibility to the recent development in the field of knowledge, by identifying researchers and their institutional affiliation, periodicals in which related papers  are published and the subject areas to which researches are directed. By presenting bibliometrical information and analyses, it  allows the area under study  to be outlined.