9º World Congress on Health Information and Libraries

Salvador, Bahia - Brazil, September, 20 to 23 - 2005


4th Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL

September, 19 to 20 - 2005

P139 - Technologies in professional education: analyzing the difficulties in their use and exchanging experiences with Health Surveillance workers

It is our intention to assess the importance of technologies for learning processes, exploring how the use of certain didactic-pedagogical resources can mediate and contribute to the training of secondary level workers in the public health area. The selected resources will be those developed by the students themselves during their training – maps, photographs, interviews, accounts/summaries.
This study is part of the Programme for the Training of Local Agents in Health Surveillance (PROFORMAR), the objective of which is to train workers involved in the control of endemic diseases and in surveillance activities, in order to prepare them for the changes that are needed in their work processes. The geographical area looked at is the North of Brazil, (States of Pará, Tocantins and Amapá) where the author of this research works as regional manager.
The students will be trained by means of theoretical and practical activities designed to give them an understanding of the global character of the w ork processes in health. The structuring of the training course for the Health Surveillance Agents foresees both class-room and distance teaching mediated by tutorials, besides the building of educational technologies and their application.
It is our view that knowledge is acquired via different media and by instances of exchanges of experiences between the students themselves and between teacher and student, in which concepts and methods are (re)built, problems solved, issues clarified and the learning systematized.
We intend to find out how and how far these resources can help in these workers’ training, by using as theoretical-conceptual base the discourse analysis, as in Mikhail Bakthin, and the social dimension of language, i.e. language must be understood as a vehicle of human – social and cultural – practices, and not simply as an instrumental and technological means of communicative actions.
In sum, the central object and the major concern of this research is to discover the motivation and the results generated by the use and interaction of these didactic resources by these future local Health Surveillance Agents.