9º World Congress on Health Information and Libraries

Salvador, Bahia - Brazil, September, 20 to 23 - 2005


4th Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL

September, 19 to 20 - 2005

P160 - Technologies of the relationship: the so called “embracement”

This project deals with the process of revelation, formalization and diffusion, by a group of workers from a primary health care service – the Adults Clinic of the School Health Center Samuel Barnsley Pessoa (University of São Paulo) – of a technology of the relationship understood as a different “way of being and doing”, which “embraces” the citizen who comes to this service promoting certain different types of challenges and profits to professionals as well as to the ones who are attended by this technique.
In this process we try to act from transdisciplinary premises for the assembling of the resources and methodologies employed. The transdisciplinary approach emerges not only as a methodology, but also as a proposal of a “way of being before the knowledge”. At this time we have to try to go beyond the limits of the medical, psychological behavior and social disciplines and establish a method that will be able to integrate and structure experience, concepts and languages, without favoring o nly one of these sights. This method emphasizes a collective construction of knowledge that establishes as central axe the perception of the unity of diversity.
We propose the visual anthropology combined with pedagogic and artistic techniques as tools that will be able to give positiveness to the various images and experiences noticed in routine performance of the technique, having the experience and register of the process as the way for restructure, reflection and production of a material of formalization and diffusion of this technique of reception.
This work is being performed in fortnightly meetings, “workshops to reveal a way of being and doing”, with the participation of a team of workers from the Adults Clinic of the School Health Center and of some researchers of the project. All of the process is registered in video cameras for the project file. The visual anthropology video as a final product of documentation and instrument of diffusion will be produced by the workers themselves. T here is a digital camera available for their use at any moment. The recordable objects, scenes, and scripts are identified by the workers from the work performed in the workshops. The exercise of thinking about himself and his performance reveals the content that will be elucidative of the technique that will be object of filming. This is a process alive and organic, centralized in the meeting of people among themselves and with themselves. The product of these relations connects a large network of the health service, of which this project deals and searches to offer a sharing culture and increase of potency of the individuals that are part of it.