9º World Congress on Health Information and Libraries

Salvador, Bahia - Brazil, September, 20 to 23 - 2005


4th Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL

September, 19 to 20 - 2005

P34 - Bank of images in the health area

INTRODUCTION - Try to think images with words - this is the great challenge for the current society, where the supremacy of information demand processes of communication management supported by necessary languages, still that creative and varied. The images act as a privileged interlocutor of the text written, shared and describing a cultural context, with its material and proper history. Word and image, meetings, have the potential to take the new ways to think, and in this if the increasing use of images in ensino.Com the evolution of the new technologies of information and communication (TIC) confides new perspectives for the use of image bank as element of information in the production of didactic texts the images, to the long one of the time, and especially the photographs, are representative of how much in such a way collective individual memories. The photograph is born as form of register of a knowledge, and arrives the representation when it becomes object and source of knowledge. The organization of a bank of images demands the establishment of a standardized language of form to facilitate the recognition of them.
JUSTIFICATE - the organization of all this quantity of images demand the development of a bank of images where one of the main stages is the process of indexation of the images, or either, the use of terms that represent and identify the images, creating a common language that allows the recovery of the same ones. Structuralized vocabularies are collections of terms, organized as a methodology in which is possible to specify the relations between concepts with the intention to facilitate the access to the information. The vocabularies are used as a species of filter enters the language used for the author and the terminology of the area and also can be considered as research assistants, helping the user to refine, to expand or to enrich its resulted research being provided more objective.
OBJECTIVES - To identify and to collect images produced and withheld for the different plac es of the EPSJV; To make a diagnosis of the conservation state, being identified the support and existence of treatment previous technician; To identify institutions with recognized ability in the treatment of images to know the used procedures and instruments in the indexation of images; developing a controlled language for identification and indexation of the images.