9º Congresso Mundial de Informação em Saúde e Bibliotecas

Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de setembro de 2005


4ª Reunião de Coordenação Regional da BVS

19 e 20 de setembro de 2005

P79 - Bibliometric analysis of information sources in the dissertations and thesis of the Post-Graduation Program in Collective Health of the ISC/UFBA (2002 to 2004)

Exploratory study of the dissertations and thesis of the Post-Graduation Program in Collective Health of the Collective Health Institute of the Federal University of Bahia, with the objective of tracking down the structural differences of the abovementioned literature. The data were measured under five categories: author, typology, language, most frequently cited periodical and the age of the literature. For the collection and storing of these data the MS Excel spreadsheet was used. For the sampling of this study eight dissertations and five thesis were analyzed, the defense of which took place from 2000 to 2004, totaling 13 documents that together present 1,303 citations, of which 40.60% regarding the dissertations and 59.40% related to the thesis, with an average of 100 citations per analyzed document. The integral examination of the data point to literature ranging from zero to seven years old, preferably published in the Portuguese language (47.12%), followed closely by the English language (45.59%). In a global way, the most cited source was the periodical article with 46.66% of preference, showing that periodicals are the favorite channel for the divulgation of science, while books, the second most mentioned source, reached a 26.86% index. When the kind of course was analyzed, there was some difference in the said literature. Thus, the students who took a Doctorate Course chose articles from periodicals (60.21%), followed by books (21,83%), while students taking a master’s degree course preferred books (34.22%), articles from periodicals (26.84%) and book chapters (12.10%) in that order. One can conclude that there is a slight difference between the structures of the cited literature by students taking a master or a doctorate course in the Post-Graduation Program in Collective Health of the ISC/UFBA.