9º Congresso Mundial de Informação em Saúde e Bibliotecas

Salvador, Bahia - Brasil, 20 a 23 de setembro de 2005


4ª Reunião de Coordenação Regional da BVS

19 e 20 de setembro de 2005

P101 - The experience in the use of new technologies in update of the Virtual Health Library - Psychology (BVS-Psi Brazil) and of the creation of the prototype of BVS ULAPSI

The experience of update of the interface of the Virtual Health Library - Psychology (BVS-Psi Brazil) and of the creation of the prototype of BVS ULAPSI (Virtual Health Library of Union Latin American Entities of Psychology) is told in this work, occurred in beginning of 2005, with the inclusion and update of technological tools for these virtual libraries. Important considerations must be made whenever of an Information Unit intends to carry out such project. Its available resources must be evaluated, are these technological, human, material and financial ones. The experience of Service of Library and Documentation of the Institute of Psychology - USP (SBD-IP/USP) as an administrative unit, in partnership with the BIREME and the Forum of Brazilian Entities of Psychology, indicated a need of the emphasis and dedication in the decision making process on the use of technological resources. The new tools allowed, thorough a productive and versatile activity, major flexibility in including of new information sour ces, whether or not operating through using the BIREME methodology or constructed by other in the public domain or private softwares. It was latent that thus we avoid incompatibilities with use of tools and greater difficulties for fast assimilation and maintenance for the responsible team; the external context is another important point to be considered. Moreover, the technical and administrative professionals must be closely lined up considering the fast introduction of new interfaces. The responsible institution needs to foresee all the difficulties in short term, in which it occurs the launching of a virtual library.